Welcome to the #31DayMarch!

Thank you so much for enrolling on this free course! The course will start on 1st March and at that point, you'll be able to access all the material in the course, including articles, tips and videos. These should all help to keep you motivated through your #31DayMarch. Look out for the email from us letting you know when the course is live!

Until then, we're really keen to get as many people signed up as possible so that we can all motivate and inspire each other to complete the #31DayMarch, so if you know anyone who might find the course useful, please send them the link to the course and feel free to share it on social media (http://31daymarch.com).

We'd also love it if you connected with us on social media! You can find us at:




Throughout the month, we'd love to see pictures and videos of your progress, so please do share them with us and use #31DayMarch so that we can see how you're getting on!

We're really excited to get started and hope you are as well!

Good luck!

From Team Bamboo

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